Knowing how beneficial music is to health, Dr. Sujata Naik organised a virtual chat show “संगीतमयवाटचालआरोग्याकडे” with stalwarts of music, in October 2020.
Santoor maestro Pandit Satish Vyas, renowned classical vocalist Arati Ankalikar, India’s leading tabla player Dr. Aneesh Pradhan, and well-known light vocalist Dr. Mrudula Dhade-Joshi graced the show by their presence, and shared their thoughts and experiences about music, health and wellness.
In a series of webinars titled 2020 & Beyond, Dr. Sujata Naik and Dr. Rajam Iyer (senior pulmonologist and palliative care specialist) discussed with Gayathri Thakoor about health and immunity in the Covid era.
On the occasion of International Women's Day, Dr. Sujata Naik collaborated with Dr. Madhuri Gurjar for a unique workshop - Happy Hormones. The workshop had interactive sessions, explaining how homeopathy, lifestyle management, diet, counselling and yoga are crucial to keep your hormones in order and maintain health.
Dr. Sujata Naik won the coveted first position as the presenter of a research paper on Treatment of resistant oral candidiasis in cancer patients at a community hospital in rural Maharashtra at one of the biggest conferences in the country - ICIO (International Conference on Integrative Oncology) Kochi, Kerala, in February 2020.
A poster presentation on `Potential role of homeopathy in treatment of chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy’ by Dr. Sujata’s research team was well-appreciated.
Dr. Sujata Naik was invited by Faculty of Homeopathy, UK, for a talk on `Homeopathy for skin disorders - focus on psoriasis’ in January, 2020.
The day-long session was held at Forum Health Centre, Coventry, Birmingham, UK.
Dr Sujata Naik was invited to Birmingham, UK, by Faculty of Homeopathy, UK, to present on `Homeopathy for Musculoskeletal Disorders with focus on Cervical Spondylosis’, in September 2019. After this successful presentation, Dr. Sujata and her team attended the 74th International Homeopathic Conference, LMHI 2019 held at Sorrento, Italy, in September 2019. Here, Dr. Sujata presented her work on `The treatment of Chronic Bronchial Asthma in a Rural Setup using Keynote Method’
Dr Sujata Naik’s second book, The Wellness Capsules, was launched at a well-attended event in Ravindra Natya Mandir, Mumbai, in July 2019. These short pocket-sized notes are put together perfectly for all to read and reflect on. The launch event also showcased the premier screening of the acclaimed film: Magic Pills: Homeopathy. Promise or Placebo?
Dr. Sujata Naik was invited by ABP Majha, a popular Marathi TV Channel for the Breakfast News show about talk on Health and Homeopathy, in July 2019.
- Video Courtesy ABP Majha
Dr. Sujata Naik was invited to present her research work at the prestigious HRI (Homeopathic Research Institute) conference held in June 2019 at London, UK. Dr. Sujata presented her research study on `The Homeopathic Approach to Treatment of PCOS in a Rural Setup’ in a poster format. She received a special honour as the first international affiliate member of Faculty of Homeopathy, London.
Dr. Sujata Naik was invited in the latter half of 2018 to read her research paper on 'Management of fungal infections' in a rural set up, at Faculty of Homeopathy Congress 2018, Liverpool, UK. Her talk was generously appreciated by all the attendees.
Dr. Sujata Naik was invited to present her research work at 73rd LMHI Congress 2018, held in Cape Town, South Africa. Her talk on her work 'Homeopathic approach to treatment of resistant cases of Tinea at a community hospital in rural Maharashtra' was received with standing ovation. Dr. Naik’s work on resistant Tinea (a fungal infection) was specially mentioned and appreciated as it flagged the Congress motto - Contributing to Sustainable Healthcare.
Another study `Role of Homeopathy in management of radiation induced oral Mucositis’ was presented by Dr. Sujata along with her team, in a poster format session. It was the most visited poster in the exhibition.
Dr Sujata Naik won the first prize at the interactive research poster competition at the first international conference on Alternative Medicine for AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy).
Dr Sujata Naik's presentation at the interactive research poster research competition was a retrospective study on Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
Dr Sujata's first book - The Wellness Shots - was officially launched at Kitab Khana in Mumbai, in January 2017. Well-attended by avid readers and subscribers of this popular book store in south Mumbai, the evening saw Dr Sujata unravelling her bestseller. The audience sat in rapt attention as she read out some of the choicest tips from her already famous collection.